Yet another NBA owner sticks his foot in his mouth. I'm not trying to get into a negative online thread, but I do have some thoughts as a former journalist and a black woman. Here it goes.
The first headline (caption) that I saw regarding this story was "Cuban Admits That he's a Bigot". Way to go writer for getting me and probably millions of others to read the full story. With my journalism cap on I have to say, that's what you're supposed to do; write in a way that will appeal to your readers; but at what cost to the subject of your piece. Yes, Cuban gave journalist the fodder for this news story but when I read the article (and here's where I put on my cap as a black woman) I can understand the point he was trying to get across [even though I truly could have done without the hoodie reference-post Trayvon still hurts people].
Here's MY TRUTH...(yes, in all caps because I don't want anyone out there to think that I'm dictating how you should feel, perceive things, etc. in this not so post-racial society). Have I grabbed my purse tighter? Have I pulled away from a gas station or convenience store? Yes. Why? Because of my perception of the people that may be occupying that space at a given time. Real talk; because of the black or white people that make me feel uncomfortable. Does that make me a racists? In my heart I grapple with this all the time but my reality is that in the last three years, I've been called a dumb nigger and a black bitch (by white women). On the occasion in which I was called the "n" word, I got into a verbal sparring match with the individual, letting her know that if the right "n" word was in that store that she would have been picking herself up off the ground after having the crap smacked out of her. Not so welcoming, huh? On another occasion, I pulled into a gas station in which a truck adorn with a confederate flag, full of young men (black and white), pumping hip hop music where loud talking (as my mom would say) and freely using the "N" word. It's worth noting that the gentlemen I encountered at the gas station looked like the examples that Mark Cuban referenced in his commentary. At that moment, I made the decision not to get out of my car and further subject myself to their banter which to me was very aggressive.
Is this every going to go away? If you're a parent, regardless of race, color or creed, you pray that it will. You pray for a world in which we don't have to grapple with your own prejudices. You pray that people who themselves were born to parents with staunch views about race, gender and sexuality, etc. can someday change their view.
Am I angered by what's happened in the NBA over the past month. Definitely. But before I go and call someone else out I take ownership of the fact that I still have work to do on me. Maybe that's where it starts.
Thank you for letting me be serious, in my often humorous and world of Mahogany Mom.
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