Wednesday, April 30, 2014

With or Without: Fearless Beyond My Make Up

This week, the Today Show brought back the the body image series, “Love Your Selfie, Reclaiming Beauty". In the past, I have been impressed by those willing to share true feelings about their own beauty. Even the courageous of the Today Show anchors who bare all (emotionally) has had a huge impact on me. Placing yourself in a position of vulnerability without make up or stripped down to the bare minimum to show the world that although you are not perfect the depth of love for yourself far outweighs any standard of beauty that society has set before us.

Everyday I get up and I look in the mirror and I say to self..."girl today will be your no make up Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday!" You get the picture! But I can never bring myself to that point. Maybe it's because I don't have the courage to. Maybe I hate the fact that I've waxed my brows so much that they'll never grow back (MAC Chestnut pencil is my best friend) or maybe it's because I'm afraid that someone will mistake me for Frank instead of Fran if I were to go without make up.

The truth is that I've grown to understand that my make up and the way I like to "beat my face" is just a small part of who I am. Sure, there was a time when my make up was there purely to hide my insecurities and my lack of self love. I've had times in my life where the self esteem bucked was completely empty but after years of searching, some therapy and personal development I've gotten to the point where I'm truly happy with who I am.

As a mom it's even more important for me that my love for self resonates in all that I do. Not in a cocky sort of way but in a manner that conveys to others (especially my daughter) that love encompasses how I communicate with others, the level of empathy that my heart holds for those around me, my desire to help those in need and my willingness to openly brace differences.

While I may never have a no make up kind of day I do believe that it's important to take a good look at yourself. Even if its a mental strip down take time to be introspective, embrace the flaws and look at the hills and valleys in life which are perfectly designed by God to encourage our spiritual growth and strengthen our faith.

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