While there’s much to say…this entry will get to straight to the point. I, along with the rest of the country am shocked at the Casey Anthony trial verdict. We will never know how that innocent two year old died but what we can say as people watching from the outside is that the actions of two mothers will forever go down as disgraceful.
We must ask ourselves, how could a mother club the night away just days after her child ‘allegedly’ goes missing? How could a grandmother commit perjury knowing full well that not telling the truth could land her in jail?
Indeed, mothers have a great deal of pressure in raising children and keeping families together and young-single mothers have a more difficult time balancing work and family life but extremes of lying and the thought of murder as a means of riding oneself of the stressors of motherhood is not the answer.
I’m sure we all have a level of dysfunction in our homes (probably not as extreme as we’ve seen play out in the Anthony trial) but we manage. What saddens me about Ms. Anthony is that she probably was looking for Bella Vita (the beautiful life) but failed to realize that she already had it! God gave her the gift of motherhood and in doing so, he also equipped her with the necessary tools to champion the odds and raise her child in a safe, loving environments. He does this for all mothers and we can be the beneficiaries of his guidance if we focus on the job of being a mother and take it seriously.
Children are life’s most precious gift. They aren’t perfect; they may lose retainers in the garbage, torture each other, fight at school, forget homework, throw temper tantrums, break your favorite vase or just have a grumpy day, but it’s your job to affirm them, guide them and provide unconditional love.
As a friend (Deirdra) posted on FB last night…hug your children and when you’re having a moment of stress remember that Bella Vita doesn’t mean perfect and find the beauty in the fact that you have a life with your children.
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