Friday, December 24, 2010

Ringing in the New Year

I haven’t ever made a New Year’s resolution and I’m not about to start.  What I’ve chosen to do as we enter 2011 is to look back at the year that I’ve had and work to improve the things that truly need polishing, set realistic goals for myself and encourage my children to do the same, and more importantly continue to invest in my marriage. 
As I look back, I know exactly what brought me stress in 2010…not delegating, taking on too much at home and at work, not being able to see my mom as often as I used to, and not relaxing when I needed to.  I know where I was a slacker…I haven’t worked out regularly since Joshua was born and need to shed about 15 pounds.  I know what I want to change…less yelling when the kids don’t do as we say and more implementation of stricter discipline and greater financial management.  I know what worked…a commitment to tithing, weekly communication with Micah about household matters and each others, recycling, and our weekend family excursions to all the free or low-cost activities in and around Delaware.  I know what made me grateful for the family and the life that I have…Haiti, the floods in California, the loss of Elizabeth Edwards to cancer, changes in health care and health care disparities, and violence and senseless death on both an international and local scale.
While these are just a few of the noteworthy and/or eye opening events that impacted my life over the last year, it’s more than enough to motivate me to improve upon the life I have and embrace the life that I know God has in store for me and my family.  I don’t have a profound cliché to leave you with, no dramatic story or life changing advice, but as you read this and think about how you want to shape 2011 to be a year of success, love and discovery for yourself, the nugget that I can offer is to give it all to God, listen to that inner voice that usually tells you the truth and take one day at a time with a commitment to getting the most out of each day in the new year.
God bless you and your family and may 2011 be the best year ever!
Season's Greetings and a Prosperous New Year
from the Edwards Family

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