As someone who’s a novice in the pageant world one thing that I’ve come to realize and appreciate are those women who find a balance when it comes to chasing the dream of becoming the new “Mrs.” and maintaining the integrity and identity that they had as a mother and wife prior to entering the pageant arena. For me, being able to have a level head and finding a balance between working to make my dreams and aspirations come true is something that has made my life’s journey so rewarding. Not that I haven’t met with challenges or points of discouragement (like this morning when I read the reviewers comments on a research paper…UGH), but what keeps me grounded is the ‘why’ in everything that I do. At the end of the day, I don’t meet with much defeat because in my heart, I’m coming from a perspective that is well thought out and I’m acting with good intentions.
I think that in life, we truly need to be mindful of what we’re chasing and more importantly, why we’re chasing those dreams or goals. Whenever, I embark on a journey, whether it’s preparing a conference or research proposal, making a decision to accept a role as a member of an ad hoc or standing committee at work, or committing myself to volunteer work or church activities, I think first about what I can learn from the experience, then what my gifts and talents are that will contribute to the success of the endeavor. Rarely is self-adulation a factor in me committing to do anything. I think that when we function from a perspective in which our own glorification is front and center it makes it much more difficult to run the race. And let me be real…I didn’t always practice what I’m sharing. But as I grew in my faith (and as I continue to grow) I’ve come to realize that when we do things, whether openly for all to see or whether we work quietly behind the scenes, that being focused on pleasing God is and should be reward enough.
In the academic environment, I also see young people who don’t know what they’re chasing. I often ask my students (especially those with W’s and F’s on their transcripts) why they are in school. Some are candid and say “because my parents told me I had to go to college.” Others painfully admit that they don’t know. To them I say, take some time to do some soul searching and really chart out a plan for your life.
We all should be chasing something…because it’s characteristic of most human beings to want to achieve. However, many of us set out on a path with the wrong objectives and what we envision is making that Rocky Balboa like run to the top of the stairs and having everyone celebrate the fact that we’ve arrived. But what is forgotten is the Rocky Balboa-like struggle prior to the victory!

I’m all for being a dream chaser! It’s what makes the world go ‘round…people having dreams - - dreams of creating ways to improve the environment, bringing about greater equality, even coming up with the next big trend or gadget - - but really think about why and how you’re going to chase your dreams. Don’t be like a puppy aimless chasing its tail in circles. Understand the power and motivation behind your dreams and do what’s necessary to meet with success.
Dream on friends, dream on.
When the soles get worn replace them…
When the soul gets worn rejuvenate it so that you can continue to chase what is truly yours.